Timothy J. Bartik

Bartik’s research focuses on how broad-based prosperity can be advanced through better local labor market policies. This includes both policies affecting labor demand, such as state and local economic development policies, and policies affecting labor supply, such as place-based scholarships.

Bartik’s 1991 book, Who Benefits from State and Local Economic Development Policies?, is widely cited as an important and influential review of the evidence on how local policies affect economic development. Bartik is co-editor of Economic Development Quarterly, the only journal focused on local economic development in the United States.

Bartik’s recent work on economic development includes research developing a database on economic development incentive programs around the U.S. He has also developed a simulation model of incentives’ benefits and costs for local residents’ incomes, and how these benefits and costs vary with incentive design, local economic conditions, and how incentives’ budget costs are paid for.

Bartik’s research has also examined policies to promote local skills, and how these affect local prosperity. His 2011 book, Investing in Kids, examined how early childhood programs could promote local economic development. According to Nobel prize-winning economist James Heckman, “Tim Bartik has written a thoughtful book on the value of a local approach to financing and creating early interventions to foster child development.” Bartik has also done extensive research with his Institute colleagues on the effects of the Kalamazoo Promise, a pioneering place-based scholarship program intended to improve the local economy.

Bartik received both his PhD and his MS in economics from the University of Wisconsin–Madison in 1982. He earned a BA from Yale University in political philosophy in 1975. Prior to joining the Upjohn Institute in 1989, he was an assistant professor of economics at Vanderbilt University.

Research Highlights

Preserving Jobs Despite the Coronavirus: Encouraging “Labor Hoarding”

March 17, 2020 · Research Highlight
A proposal to encourage employers to maintain payrolls to reduce long-run economic damage

Making Sense Of Incentives: Taming Business Incentives to Promote Prosperity

October 11, 2019 · Research Highlight
New book provides best practices for the use of economic development incentives

Smart targeting of jobs at distressed places offers cost-effective, lasting effects

August 26, 2019 · Research Highlight
A new paper finds that targeting jobs at distressed places can boost national and state economies.

What are realistic job multipliers?

May 3, 2019 · Research Highlight
Upjohn Institute researchers show that job multipliers touted by economic development policymakers are often overstated.

Upjohn Institute report offers ideas to help communities build broadly-shared prosperity

March 14, 2019 · Research Highlight
Report outlines strategies that small and medium-sized cities, along with rural areas, can follow to create jobs for their residents

"But For" Percentages for Economic Development Incentives

July 31, 2018 · Research Highlight
What percentage estimates are plausible based on the research literature? Better estimates of “but for” percentages depend on developing data that quantitatively measure diverse changes in incentive policies across comparable areas.

Pre-K Impact Depends on Quality

April 3, 2018 · Research Highlight

College grads earn less if they grew up poor

March 4, 2016 · Research Highlight

Kalamazoo Promise boosts college completion

June 25, 2015 · Research Highlight