Seasonal workers don’t make up for lost hours by taking other jobs
New research finds that seasonal workers and others in their household don’t make up for the lost earnings during their off-season by finding other work.
Study finds up to 7.7 million lost jobs with employer-sponsored health insurance during COVID pandemic in U.S.
Nearly 7 million dependents affected; disproportionate effects on manufacturing sector, women and workers 35-54
CARES Act provided a lifeline to low-wage workers and the economy
Pandemic benefits gave the lowest quarter of earners a weekly pay boost of 20 percent or more, paper finds.
Addressing unemployment and poverty: A Labor Day message from Upjohn Institute President Michael Horrigan
Michael Horrigan: Getting America back to work with the dignity that every American worker deserves on this and every Labor Day.
Parents' unemployment can hurt children's lifelong earnings
Children whose parents lose jobs before a major educational decision are less likely to finish college.